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Monday, August 8, 2011

Buttons - There Function

Buttons explained...

This document was rushed out for beta testers and will be revised in the future as needed.

Speed Scroll Bar
Lag is one of the core concerns of the design of my dance HUD. Nothing can be more annoying than trying to scroll thru the display and not have it work or just take forever to get to the page you need. This is the reason the ’Speed Scroll Bar’ has been incorporated. Clicking on the percentage points will move you farther thru your display list. Then you can use the scroll buttons (arrow buttons) to land on the page you need. 

Arrow Buttons - Scroll Left/Scroll Right 
Clicking these will scroll you through the display list. When you have reached the end of the list it will loop back to the start of the list.

Pause Button
When clicked any active animations, sequences or macros are paused or un-paused.
This does not remove dancers/invited avatars from the HUD. 

Ballerina / Me Button
This is the button that activates the wearer of the HUD (Owner). You can turn this off and animate others while you stand by. This button is directly affected by other button or Macros. 

Sync Button
This brings dancers in into animation sync. This can also be done my typing ‘/11sync’ in public chat by a AV that has joined the HUD.
When you animate avatars in SL they fall out of sync (dancing the same dance and movement at the same time). This is caused by a variety of reasons. What you see may not be what others see. You may look like you are dancing out of sync with other dancers when in reality you are seen by other as in sync. Things that affect this are ‘camming’ out from your local scene, other animation overrides, internet lag, poor video cards, and the list goes on and on. 

Invite Button
Inviting another avatar and dancing with them in sync is really a fun thing to do in SL. After you click on the Invite button you will see a list of avatars that are in your local area. The HUD displays the first 16 AV’s it sees. Click on a name and they will receive an invite to join your HUD. When they accept, you will get a popup that lets you know they have accepted. Now you can animate them with your dances/animations. The party has started!!! HOOOOOOO! *Smiley Face*
The square black box button is the stop button. It functions differently than other dance HUDs. There is a reason for this. First this is not designed to be that same as other HUDs. It was designed for performance & simplicity. So STOP means just that “STOP EVERYTHING”!
When you click on stop you get a list of names. At the top is STOP”ALL DANCERS”. It will do just that, stops all dancers on the HUD, disengage them from the HUD, resets the dance spots to empty, and clears memory.
But if you pick a name on the stop list it will stop that person from dancing, remove them from the HUD, reset there dance spot, and clear that individuals data from memory.
Random Button
This button is stacked with features. You set the duration by selecting a time. Then select the Mod you wish to use. You have 2 options Random or Sequence. Random with bounce randomly around the list of dances, sequence will go down the list of animations listed on the HUD. After you have decided on the time and mode, click ‘DONE’, at the top of the list to start the action.
To turn off random or sequence mode, click on ‘OFF’.

Tool Button
The Tool Button is nothing more than a Quick Database that reads the ‘Tools’ Notecard and performs HUD functions from MACROS. If the HUD cannot find ‘Tools’ in memory it will request to load it by default. If you do not allow this function to load you will be disabling many useful features of the HUD.
Stats – Gives a report of current memory, current available animation slots, current avatars slot usage assignments, and database usage.
Big – Changes the size of the HUD
Small – Shrinks the size of the HUD
Reset –This is a reset function for all of the HUD. This will force a soft reset of all of the scripts in the HUD. If this does not work then you will need to do a hard reset thru the editor/viewer.
List Ani – Displays a list of animations in the HUD & total count.
LoadDB1 – Loads the Database 1 with notecard ‘AniCard1’
LoadDB2 – Loads the Database 2 with notecard ‘AniCard2’
NOTE: If you are an advanced users and understand the dynamics of the MACRO engine that HUD uses then you may find it useful to edit the ‘Tools’ notecard and add additional features. 

Gears Button
This button is pretty simple. The ‘Gears Button’ shifts you into ‘All Animations Mode’. It lists all animation you have to the display list, so you can pick any animation to play.
In ‘All Animations Mode’ you don’t have any limitations on the amount of animations you can have in the HUD. The only limitation is what Second Life has in the way of restrictions. If you find the upper limit to this I would love to hear what it is.
Hint: To display the current HUD Stats… Click the ‘Tools Button’; click ‘Stats’. You will see a display of available memory, Dance slots, Databases, and the total of available animations in the HUD. 

Quick Card Button
This is a performance feature that allows you to move extremely fast from one notecard to another by preloading the notecards into a select database. When you click the button you will see a list of loaded & empty databases. Loaded Quick Card databases take on the name of the notecard they were loaded with. (See FLOPPY DISC BUTTON to learn how to load a notecard into a Quick Card database.) Just click on the name you wish to load in and display.
Now you can switch from notecard to notecard in seconds rather than taking minutes. But this is at a sacrifice of server memory. So I recommend only using 2 Quick Pick Databases for a standard user and 5 for power users. The Tool Kit provides the option of many more databases but this is to be used with extreme discretion. 

Floppy Disc Button
READ CAREFULLY – This function confuses people.
You will need to use this button to load in notecards you create for organizing your Macros, Sequences and dance lists into your Quick Card Databases.
Click on the Floppy Disc button and you will see a list of databases in your HUD. Some have names and some have just ‘Empty’ for a name.
Click on any database listed. You should now see a list of notecards names show up on the list.
Click a notecard you want to load. You should see ‘Please Wait’… ‘Loading’ and in chat the HUD will tell you how far it is in the process of loading in the notecard to the database. Notecards with a large list on them can take awhile to load. When it is done the notecard will be displayed and a database will have the same name as the notecard now. (See ‘Quick Card Button’ to jump to a different database/notecard)
You can reload a database with a different notecard or an updated notecard the same way.
You first need a notecard that you have configured in the inventory of the HUD. SEE LOADING ANIMATIONS & NOTECARDS SECTION.
Floppy explained…
Click button - Pick a database name from list displayed - Pick a Notecard from list displayed: Notecard is loaded into the database. Name of database is renamed to name of Notecard.

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